Friday, May 29, 2009


O.k. so I have been telling myself and a few others that I will update my blog, it's only been 10 months no big deal right? Not alot goes on in 10 months with a new baby and all (HA HA)thats totaly a joke! I am So sorry to my sweet friend Staci who even started my blog and I have not done a darn thing to it since. Staci thank you so much for encourging me to do this! You are such a inspiration to me and I don't know how to thank you for being such a wounderful friend! I know if I don't start keeping record of my sweet angel Aspen and our wonderful little fam I will forever regret not taking 30minutes out of my day to do this simple little treasure! Anyways, there is NO way I can play catch up that would take me forever and I would never be updated. For now my blog will consist of just random thoughts, pictures, and the crazy life of Eric, Autumn & Aspen!!!

1 comment:

Sherie said...

WOO HOO! It IS about time miss Autumn! How fun to see all the fun pictures of your darling little family! I can't wait to see Aspen grow from here! Keep it up...your a great blogger!