Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Aspen and Bear Dog!

Aspen has a huge huge love for animals esp. Dogs! ( not sure where she gets this def. not from me )
Every time we come home she says puppy meaning Bear and we have to go see him! It's fun to see her get so excited to see him! She loves this crazy dog!

More Halloween

Did I forget to mention we went BOATING on Halloween Day!!!! Burrrr.....but worth every goose bump! We went out with our friends the Harkers and we had a blast! The water was way cold! We never pass up the opportunity to go play on the lake! The air and water temp was 60 degree.....Friggen cold!!!!

Aspen's First Pumpkin Carving! ( Last year didn't count )

We had fun carving pumpkins this year! Aspen just wanted to eat it of course! Grandma and Grandpa Boucher came over and helped Aspen with her pumpkin! They turned out alright after all!

TrIcK oR tReAt.....SmELL My FeEt!!!!!

Halloween was a ball this year! Miss Aspen was a little WiTcH! We had so much fun with her! Eric and I went to a murder mystery party at our friends house Friday night then on Sat. we took Aspen to the church and then around a fun neighborhood! Aspen wanted to carry her little BoO bag it was so cute. She pretty much threw all her candy out so Eric and I ended up with none but Oh's better for our figures this way lol ha!!

More Pictures of Tennessee

HEE HAW TN Here We come!!!!!

I decided it was about time for Aspen to visit TN again! We had so much fun with Family! I love to visit home because Aspen and I get spoiled rotten! Nana and PaPa are so good to us! We had alot of fun we went shopping (of course), played with cousins and family, ate, slept, and enjoyed the great Fall weather and colors of beautiful TN! How I miss my fam!!! Love you guys!

Playing At The Park